There are always two to phone
Installation view: DE PERSPECTIVA, by Ibrahim Quraishi
FAMILY PORTRAITS (photograph, extract) by Ibrahim Quraishi
THE CITIZENS (photograph, extract) by Ibrahim Quraishi
LOST CODES (video still, extract) by Ibrahim Quraishi
DREAMING ARIZONA (video still, extract) by Ibrahim Quraishi
DE PERSPECTIVA (installation view, extract) by Ibrahim Quraishi

NEWS: 15th – 24th 2024   November  – IDFA : International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam,
New Media Doc Lab World premier : ROAMance: VR Experience

ROAMance is a date for two in the virtual world. It is a blind date with VR glasses, based not on the visual, but on the essence of the other person. The two protagonists get to know each other by walking through the artificial desert, asking each other questions, chatting along and acting together. The multiplayer experience for two participants is one with an unknown counterpart. An unbiased encounter with another person who you can get to know as the story unfolds and that celebrates the time spent together and encourages attentiveness by setting you up on an eventful journey in Virtual Reality shared with a stranger whose physical features you will have to devise based on your interactions alone.

At the end, after the quiz, the romantic boat trip, the visit to the club and more, the question naturally arises as to whether you would like to meet again in real life or whether you should just say goodbye and never look at each other? 

ROAMance is not a classic game! It is an experience, an adventure. Life is what you make of it and, as in real life, you have to invest to get something: openness, humour, courage, ideas, empathy!

ROAMance is designed as a multiplayer experience for two participants or/and a stage performance.

ROAMance is based on scientific data about the social and physical distance between people, data about social interactions and the rules that allow us to experience a shared, intimate history beyond the usual interfaces or surfaces, such as the display of your phone, dating apps and other social media. These aesthetic regimes rule over the essence, over the essence of each person. This regime determines whether we swipe left or right, whether we potentially connect or banish ourselves. 

ROAMance is different! Both in its way of thinking, based on diversity and gender fluidity, and in its imaginative and unpredictable aesthetic possibilities. 

ROAMance offers the possibility of building deep relationships. ROAMance is communication. ROAMance is attitude. ROAMance strengthens and expands your perspective. It is a completely new way of finding and experiencing a (potential) new friend or partner. ROAMance!



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ROAMance is a project by Ibrahim Quraishi and Stanisław Liguziński with the support and magic of Julia Braenzel 

Frictions are not always welcome, but what happens when a teacher meets his former student again, the curator and programmer meets the artist, the queer meets the hetero and then again the one born in the GDR has to save them all. 

Frictions play a vital role in the creative process, acting as catalysts for innovation and refinement. When individuals or teams encounter frictions – whether they arise from conflicting ideas, different perspectives or logistical challenges – they are prompted to engage in critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration.

Ultimately, frictions can spark innovation by encouraging individuals to think outside the box and explore unconventional solutions. The tension created by conflicting ideas or approaches can sometimes lead to breakthrough innovations that would not otherwise have been possible.

In summary, while frictions may initially appear disruptive, they play a crucial role in fueling the creative process and driving progress and innovation. By embracing frictions and managing them effectively, individuals and teams can unlock new possibilities and achieve greater success in their creative endeavours.

ROAMance is a project of friction that could only be so good because of the different perspectives that came together in the process.

Ibrahim Quraishi is a multidisciplinary visual artist, Stanisław Liguziński is a programmer, teacher and curator and Julia Braenzel is the physicist who brings everyone to their senses and programs everything – or not if you don’t behave.

This project was realized with the support of
Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg and the Netherlands Film Fonds