UTOPIA I | Tower Projects

In Utopia I, we intend to create an intensive and pro-active research to launch an integrated ecological and artistic mode of expression to re-conceive. We redefine and re-built the means of contemporary artistic space with pro-actively researching methods in the context of traditional practices. On how politics and environments are constructed and how they evolve as a laboratory and engine for the development of alternative forms of expressions inside a social space—that is engaged artistically.

We are interested to share different strategies that turn the empty into open—as places for building, sharing, remembering, regenerating and re-configuring in our regards to the natural and the constructed environment as a whole. This experiment is about imagining a social space in real time in a given space to ignite a fire for more inclusive dialogue. And a more independent understanding of how we can contribute to fresher ideas on the environmental as well, as the social fronts in all their complexities and diversities.

“The tradition of the oppressed
teaches us that
‘the state of emergency’
in which we live
is not the exception
but the rule.”
Walter Benjamin, Illuminations


Utopia I is an artistic endeavor for the revitalization and reactivation of creating model structures. Within any given area that have been essentially abandoned or destroyed through over commercial concentration within. Our project aims to create a small physical tower that strengthens the autonomy of a neighborhood by developing a self sustainable model where vegetation, fish and rice are grown in any given urban area and moment without the use and or even abuse of land and the local resources.

Given the actual catastrophic environmental state a large part our globe is in. As artists, architects, engineers, sound designers, conscious business persons and social scientists, we have chosen to attempt at an actual portable tower model. To create an sustainable laboratory where a possibility exists to implement a self-sustainable feeding mechanism. That is easily attainable with the uses solar energy to power. And drive the engine so that vegetable and rice can easily grow without the burden on the environment.

Utopia I is an actual
living installation
where the politics of the performance
is treated in a globalized
multiplicity of diversity.


In Utopia I, we develop and use the means and process of producing fish and vegetables in one integrated cycle. The method of this production is called aquaponic farming. A combined circle needs less raw materials and energy than to produce both in two separate circles.

— 34% of all emissions in the world remain from agriculture
— 70% of used freshwater worldwide are for agriculture
— More than 1 billion people on the planet earth need fish as their main resource which they get it from the oceans;
— 85% of the oceans are overfished;
— For the production of 1kg of cow meat, 8kg of food is needed, while for the production of 1kg of fish meat by the aquaponic method only 1,2kg of food is needed!